What Do I Do If My Drains Back Up?

What Do I Do If My Drains Back Up?

No one likes dealing with a clogged drain. But, unfortunately, it’s a common occurrence in most households in Inner west. And, if you don’t know how to properly address the issue, it can quickly turn into a much bigger problem.

Before you call a no dig sewer line replacement specialist in Inner West, there are a few steps you can take to try and clear the blockage yourself. However, if the problem persists, then it’s time to get professional help for pipe rehabilitation, including Inner west relining solutions experts. Here’s what you need to know about dealing with a clogged drain.

Signs of Drains and Sewer Damage

A lot of people take their drains and sewers for granted, that is, until something goes wrong. If you suspect that there may be some damage to your drains or sewer, it’s important to act fast and get it checked out by a no dig sewer pipe repair professional. But how can you tell if there’s a problem in the first place? Keep an eye out for these five telltale signs.

Sewage Backups and Blockages

One of the most obvious signs that something is wrong with your drains or sewer is sewage backing up into your home through the drains or toilets. This is usually caused by a blockage somewhere in the system. If you notice sewage backup, don’t delay. Call an Inner West pipe relining professional right away to have the issue assessed and resolved.

Sewer Gas Odour 

If you notice a foul smell emanating from your drains, it could be sewer gas. This is typically caused by a blockage or cracks in your sewer line that allow gas to escape. It is important to consider pipe relining services in Inner West to eliminate foul odour and prevent pipe damages to cause structural and health concerns.

Mould Problem 

If you’ve noticed mould growth around your drains, it could be a sign of water leakage. This could be caused by cracks or breaks in your sewer line that allow water to seep out and create the perfect conditions for mould to grow.

Slow Drain 

A slow drain is often one of the first signs that something is wrong with your drain or sewer system. If you notice that your drains are draining more slowly than usual, it could be due to a blockage somewhere in the system. Slow drain can result in more serious damages that can be costly to repair in the future.

Extra Green and Lush Patches in Grass 

Have you noticed patches of grass that seem lusher and greener than the rest of your lawn? This could be due to water leaking from your sewer line and watering those areas of grass more than others. If you see these patches, call us right away so we can inspect your sewer line for any leaks or breaks. 

Your home’s drains and sewer are some of the most important and most overlooked parts of your plumbing system. Over time, however, they can become damaged, blocked, or cracked. When that happens, it can cause all sorts of problems, from foul odors to sewage backups. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem.

5 Ways to Fix Damaged Drains and Sewers

Clean Them Regularly

One of the best ways to keep your drains and sewers in good shape is to clean them on a regular basis. This will remove any buildup of hair, soap scum, or grease that could eventually lead to a blockage. You can use a plunger or a plumber’s snake to remove any clogs that do form.

Use Natural Drain Cleaners

If you’d prefer not to use harsh chemicals to clean your drains, there are a few natural options you can try instead. Vinegar and baking soda can be used to create a foaming action that will break up small clogs. You can also use boiling water to flush out drainage lines. Just be careful not to pour boiling water down PVC pipes—it could cause them to crack.

Repair Leaks Promptly

Another way to keep your drains and sewer in good shape is to repair any leaks promptly. A small drip might not seem like a big deal, but it could eventually cause major damage. Not only will you waste water (and money), but you could also end up with a much larger repair bill down the road. So, if you see a leak, don’t hesitate to call a plumber right away.

Insulate Pipes

During the winter months, it’s important to insulate your pipes to prevent them from freezing and bursting. Exposed pipes are particularly susceptible to freezing, so be sure to cover them with insulation or heat tape. You might also want to leave the cabinet doors open under your sinks so that warm air can circulate around the pipes.  And if you’re going out of town, be sure to leave the heat on so that your pipes don’t freeze while you’re gone.

Call a Professional 

Sometimes, no matter how well you take care of your drains and sewers, they will still need repair or replacement. If that’s the case, don’t hesitate to call a pipe relining professional in Inner West. A qualified pipe relining contractor in Inner West will be able to quickly diagnose the problem and come up with the best solution. They may even be able to perform preventive maintenance that will help extend the life of your drains and sewers. If your drains and sewer lines require rehabilitation, professionals may recommend no dig pipe repair services in Inner West.

How to Prevent Future Plumbing Issues      

Install a Drain Strainer 

One of the simplest ways to prevent your drains from getting clogged is to install a drain strainer. A drain strainer is a small metal or plastic mesh screen that fits over your drain opening. It catches hair, food, soap scum, and other debris before it has a chance to enter your pipes and cause a clog. You can find drain strainers at most hardware stores.

Use Boiling Water to Dissolve Grease Buildup 

If you notice that your drains are starting to run more slowly than usual, it’s likely due to grease buildup. To dissolve the grease and prevent it from hardening in your pipes, pour a pot of boiling water down the drain once a week. You can also use this method to dissolve soap scum buildup around the rim of your bathtub or shower.

Be Careful What You Flush

One of the leading causes of sewer pipe backed up is tree roots growing into the pipe and blocking it. To prevent tree roots from causing an issue, be careful about flushing your toilets—and teach your kids to do the same! Only flush human waste and toilet paper—no paper towels, feminine hygiene products, napkins, cigarette butts, etc. These items don’t break down like toilet paper does and they’ll eventually cause a blockage 

Clogged and damaged drains are never fun but they’re definitely something that every homeowner will have to deal with at some point or another. Luckily, there are steps you can take to try and clear the blockage yourself before calling a pipe relining professional in Inner West. If you are looking for reliable no dig pipe repair services in Inner West, you can always rely on Revolution Pipe Relining. With more than four decades of expertise in the plumbing industry, our no dig pipe sewer repair technicians will get the job done with the utmost speed and efficiency. To learn more, call our direct line on 1300 844 353 today.


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