Four Telltale Signs That Your Belfield Home Needs Professional Pipe Relining

Investing in a pipe relining service for your Abbotsford property can provide excellent long-term benefits. With proper implementation, the lifespan of relined pipes is extended significantly, often up to three decades or more. It’s crucial that you understand all aspects involved with properly completing a sewer pipe relining job if you want optimal results. Here are some essential points about the pipe relining process to ensure success.

With the implementation of a professional pipe relining project, you can expect up to 50 years of longevity. Not only is this approximately the same amount as completely replacing pipes in your structure, but it’s achieved at significantly lower cost and minimal disruption to your property.

Landmarks Signs of Drain and Sewer Damage

High water bills

One of the first signs of drain or sewer damage is a sudden, unexpected increase in your water bill. If you notice that your water bill has spiked without any explanation, it could be an indication that something is wrong with your plumbing system. Check for any visible signs of leaks or wastewater backups as soon as possible. 

Persistent clogs and wastewater backups

Clogs happen from time to time, but if you find yourself dealing with persistent clogs or wastewater backups in multiple locations around your home or office building, then this could be a sign that something more serious is going on with your drain and sewer system. Have a professional pipe relining specialist in Belfield look at what’s causing these blockages and strategise a pipe relining approach that will work best for your home. 

Fluctuating water pressure

Poorly functioning drains can cause fluctuations in water pressure throughout your underwater plumbing system. If you notice that the water coming out of certain taps seems too weak, or worse yet, too strong, it could be an indication that something is blocking the flow of water somewhere in the pipes leading up to them. 

Bad odours 

No one likes bad smells coming from their sinks or toilets. If you start noticing strange odours coming from any part of your plumbing system, this may be indicative of a bigger issue like damaged pipes or sewage backups. It is best to seek the expertise of pipe relining contractors as soon as possible. They can advise you whether pipe relining can provide long-lasting resolution to your drain or sewer issues. 

Premier Sewer Relining Services in Belfield

Knowing what to look for when it comes to drain and sewer problems can be a lifesaver. When spotted early, underground pipe damage is much quicker and easier to fix. Be proactive in preventing bigger repairs by understanding the basics of how pipes work.

Revolution Pipe Relining is proud to offer a wide variety of pipe repair services, including pipe relining, blocked drain cleaning, and blocked sewer repair. When your pipes are damaged, we have professional pipe relining specialists in Belfield with the expertise to fix the problem, no matter how serious. Contact us on 1300 844 353 to request a quote and learn more about our services and how we can help you.


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